Extended data for Classical Hungarian Literature 1.

Stored data
Classical Hungarian Literature 1.
ISCED code
0232 Literature and linguistics
Language of instruction


Academic term
Classical Hungarian Literature 1.  hu
Classical Hungarian Literature 1.  en
bibliography hu
Selected works from classical Hungarian literature
bibliography en
Selected works from classical Hungarian literature
courseContent hu
The subject covers literary history in the Age of Enlightenment focusing on the most influential schools, genres, aesthetics and criticism. It places great importance on interpreting works and authors that form the core of Hungarian literary canon. Along with the analysis of linguistic and poetic characteristics, the course covers the institutionalisation of literature and the effect of literature on social and art history. The subject also introduces angles of comparative literature.
courseContent en
The subject covers literary history in the Age of Enlightenment focusing on the most influential schools, genres, aesthetics and criticism. It places great importance on interpreting works and authors that form the core of Hungarian literary canon. Along with the analysis of linguistic and poetic characteristics, the course covers the institutionalisation of literature and the effect of literature on social and art history. The subject also introduces angles of comparative literature.
assessmentMethod hu
Oral exam.
assessmentMethod en
Oral exam.