Extended data for Study and Communication Skills

Stored data
Study and Communication Skills
Organizational Unit
ISCED code
0313 Psychology
Language of instruction


Academic term
Study and Communication Skills hu
Study and Communication Skills en
bibliography hu
Reading list Compulsory reading list ·         none Recommended reading list ·         Hall. Edward, T. (1966) The Hidden Dimension. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday ·         Digital competencies: http://mediasmarts.ca/digital-media-literacy-fundamentals/digital-literacy-fundamentals ·         Pratkanis, A. R., & Aronson, E. (2001). Age of propaganda: The everyday use and abuse of persuasion (rev. ed.). New York: W. H. Freeman. ·         Lorayne, H. and Lucas, J. (1996) The Memory Book: The Classic Guide to Improving Your Memory at Work, at School, and at Play. New York, NY: Ballantine Books. ·         Moore, Christopher, W. (1996) The mediation process. San-Francisco:Josey-Bass ·         Kagan, Spencer (1994) Cooperative learning. Kagan. ·         Cynthia Lightfoot; Michael Cole; Sheila Cole (2009) The development of children (6th ed.). N.Y.: Worth ·         Gordon, Thomas (2003) Teacher effectiveness training. Gordon Training Centre ·         Digital classrooms: http://www.securedgenetworks.com/blog/Future-of-Education-Social-Media-and-Technology-in-the-Classroom ·         Gray, John (2012)Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus. New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers Inc. ·         Griffin, Em (2014) A first look at communication theory. (9th Ed) New York,NY.: McGraw-Hill ·         Berne, Eric (1964). Games People Play – The Basic Hand Book of Transactional Analysis. New York, NY: Ballantine Books. ISBN 0-345-41003-3.
courseContent hu
· Content of the course Topics of the course ·         Study skills (Motivation and motives of studying in higher education; Basic competencies and skills; Personal preferences in learning; Preferences in studying and information processing; Study strategies; Time-management and self-organization) ·         Communication (Basics of communication; Gender differences in communication; Nonverbal communication; Cultural differences in communication; Mass communication; Scientific communication) ·         Conflicts and conflict resolution (Basic elements of conflicts: characteristics and phases of conflicts; Styles of conflict resolution; Assertive communication) Learning activities, learning methods role-play, cooperative group-work, small group-work, discussions, pair-work, debate
assessmentMethod hu
Evaluation of outcomes Learning requirements, mode of evaluation, criteria of evaluation: requirements In accordance with the Study and exam guide maximum three absences are accepted.  Much of the work for the class will take place during in-class discussions and group working sessions, hence it is essential that all students take the course seriously and commit fully. ·         A 15-20 minute presentation (in pairs) on a topic of choice that is linked thematically to the course but was not (or just partly) covered during previous classes (pair-work).– (maximum 20 points) ·         There are at least 3 short homework assignments or „hand-ins”.  The assignment must be uploaded to ELTE PPK E-learning platform. Each day of tardiness (being past the deadline) results in the deduction of 1 point. More than one week in being late with the hand-in means the person receives 0 point on the hand-in. ·         Three hand-ins via the e-learning system – one from each group: o   Group A – (maximum 20 points) §  Making a Mind map for a current mid-term – 20 points §  Reflection on own study strategies – 20 points §  Analysis of own strengths and formulating a SMART goal for an area to be improved – 20 points o   Group B – (maximum 20 points) §  Digital footprint and internet safety – 20 points §  Literature search – 20 points §  Correcting a reference list according to APA 6th edition – 20 points o   Group C – (maximum 20 points) §  Assertive statements – 20 points §  Analysis of a conflict – 20 points §  Making a powerpoint illustrating typical presentations flaws regarding content, structure and visual presentation – 20 points In order to be awarded a grade ALL requirements have to be met (presence, presentation, hand-ins.) mode of evaluation: grades from 1-5 Sum of points for hand-ins and the presentation and their grade equivalent: 1 (fail): 0-45 points; 2 (pass): 46-52 points; 3 (satisfactory): 53-62 points; 4 (good): 63-69 points;     5 (excellent): 70-80 points. criteria of evaluation: ·         Presentation – maximum 20 points A 15-20 minute presentation (in pairs) on a topic of choice that is linked thematically to the course but was not (or just partly) covered during previous classes. The presentation is to be uploaded by each presenter separately to e-learning. Please make sure that: -          the names of both presenters are stated on the first slide -          all literature and visuals are referenced on the last slide. ·         Peer-evaluation of presentation will be undertaken according to criteria to be discussed during class  – 15 points ·         Further max. 5 points for precise referencing of literature and visuals used – 15 points ·         Making a Mind map for a current mid-term – 20 points Content and points: Make a Mind map from a material that you have to study for a mid-term, preferably utilize a computer based program (id dome by hand please scan). Upload has to be in jpeg or pdf format. Please write on the Mind map what software was used. ·         The Mind map follows all of the basic principles identified by Tony Buzan – 12 points ·         The depth of the mind map fits the breadth of the topic – 5 points ·         Utilization of software possibilities – 3 points ·         Reflection on own study strategies – 20 points Content and points: Analyze your own study strategies previously utilized and identify one that you would like to use. ·         utilization of different frameworks for identifying own strategies – 5 points ·         perspicuous description of study strategies utilized and an analysis of their advantages and disadvantages – 5 points ·         reflection on the utility of the different strategies regarding different types of material – 3 points ·         provide reasoning regarding what strategy would you like to try and why – 4 points ·         formulate at least 5 tips for high-school students regarding study strategies and provided reasons for their use – 3 points ·         Analysis of own strengths and formulating a SMART goal for an area to be improved – 20 points Content and points: Look at the results of the questionnaires filled in during classes and reflect on the results – bring examples that underpin or verify the results or alternately query them. Based on these identify own strengths and identify ONE area that needs improvement and formulate a SMART goal in order to achieve change in that area. ·         all relevant questionnaires are utilized – 4 points ·         brings relevant examples pro and con regarding results – 4 points ·         justifies why the given strengths and areas for development are chosen by citing evidence – 6 points ·         the plan for change utilizes all the elements of SMART goal-setting – 6 points ·         Digital footprint and internet safety – 20 points Content and points: ·         describe the process of identifying digital footprint – adequacy of process 6 points ·         identify three sites dealing with internet security and reason why they provide appropriate/relevant suggestions – 9 points (3x3 points) ·         reflect on own practice in the light of the identified sources – 5 points ·         Literature search – 20 points Content and points: ·         describe a specific and narrow psychological topic that interests you – adequately narrow and specific topic 3 points ·         identify at least three different articles from three different journals (minimum one article per journal) with the use of eisz that discusses the topic of interest: identification provided by making a screen shot of the eisz page which located the article  – 6 points (3x2 points) ·         copy the abstracts into the documents – adequate specificity to theme 3 points ·         based on the articles and/or the abstracts write a maximum half page summary of what information the three articles provide on the topic of interest (i.e. combine the three articles into one coherent stream of thought) – 8 points ·         Correcting a reference list according to APA 6th edition – 20 points Content and points: According to APA 6th edition correct a page of a reference list that is provided through e-learning. everyone starts with 20 points. Each remaining uncorrected error is minus 1 point, each error added is minus 1 point. ·         Assertive statements – 20 points Content and points: ·         identify three recurring problem situations and provide a short 2-3 sentence description of the situation – 0,5 point For each problem situation ·         describe the other person’s behavior in a non-judgmental manner – 6 points (3x2) ·         describe the feelings and emotions that the other person’s behavior evokes – 6 points (3x2) ·         define the negative consequences of the other person’s behavior for you -  6 points (3x2) ·         be specific an non-judgmental in requesting a change – 1,5 points (3x0,5) ·         Analysis of a conflict – 20 points Content and points: Find a youtube video depicting a conflict situation. Provide the precise URL of the video and the precise minutes (from-to) of maximum 5 minute part where the conflict unfolds. ·         identify the type of conflict according to different taxonomies – 7 points ·         identify the phase of the conflict the video snippet represents – 3 points ·         identify the point where the conflict could have been turned around – 3 points ·         viable suggestions regarding what the actors should have said or done in order to turn the conflict into a win-win situation – 7 points ·         Making a powerpoint (or prezi) illustrating typical presentation flaws regarding content/structure/visual presentation – 20 points Content and points: ·         the PPT or prezi contains at least 10 pages or frames – 3 points ·         it identifies tips on structure of content – 4 points ·         describes hallmarks of good opening and closing statements, providing examples of common mistakes – 5 points ·         identifies common communication flaws occuring during the presentation and tips on how to avoid them – 5 points ·         provides illustrative examples of visual presentation mistakes – 3 points az értékelés szempontjai (evaluation criteria:) ·         Results of the test ·         Deep coverage of the presented topic, ability to ask questionsa and also answer the questions of the audience.