Extended data for Personality Psychology 1.

Stored data
bibliography hu
Compulsory reading list Carver, C. S., Scheier, M. F. (the latest available edition): Perspectives on personality. Pearson, Allyn and Bacon, Boston. (Chapters:  1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 10) Matthews, G., Deary, I. J., Whiteman, M. (the latest available edition). Personality traits. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
bibliography en
Compulsory reading list Carver, C. S., Scheier, M. F. (the latest available edition): Perspectives on personality. Pearson, Allyn and Bacon, Boston. (Chapters:  1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 10) Matthews, G., Deary, I. J., Whiteman, M. (the latest available edition). Personality traits. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
courseContent hu
Content of the course Topics of the course ·         The concept of personality. Implicit and explicit theories of personality ·         Nomothetic and idiographic approaches to personality ·         The antecedents and history of the dispositional approach ·         Lexical trait taxonomies ·         Questionnaire based and alternative trait taxonomies ·         Motivational explanations of the individual differences ·         The biological interpretations of the individual differences based on the central and the autonomous brain system ·         The classical trait theories and their criticism ·         The interactionist viewpoint in personality psychology ·         The reinterpretation of individual differences in terms of the social-cognitive learning theory ·         Cognitive approach to personality structure ·         Assessment of individual differences in personality (e.g. EPQ, NEO-PI-R, BFI, ZKPQ, FFPI, HEXACO, TCI, TAT, CAT) Learning activities, learning methods Frontal lecture, reading seminars, individual and group trainings and works
courseContent en
Content of the course Topics of the course ·         The concept of personality. Implicit and explicit theories of personality ·         Nomothetic and idiographic approaches to personality ·         The antecedents and history of the dispositional approach ·         Lexical trait taxonomies ·         Questionnaire based and alternative trait taxonomies ·         Motivational explanations of the individual differences ·         The biological interpretations of the individual differences based on the central and the autonomous brain system ·         The classical trait theories and their criticism ·         The interactionist viewpoint in personality psychology ·         The reinterpretation of individual differences in terms of the social-cognitive learning theory ·         Cognitive approach to personality structure ·         Assessment of individual differences in personality (e.g. EPQ, NEO-PI-R, BFI, ZKPQ, FFPI, HEXACO, TCI, TAT, CAT) Learning activities, learning methods Frontal lecture, reading seminars, individual and group trainings and works
assessmentMethod hu
Evaluation of outcomes Learning requirements, mode of evaluation, criteria of evaluation: requirements ·         active participation in the classes ·         acquiring and knowing the theoretical literature treated in classes ·         the fulfilment of the practical tasks, presentations and homeworks mode of evaluation Both a written exam from the theoretical part of the course (lecture and the obligatory readings), and the fulfilment of the practical tasks, presentations and homework are graded on five-pint scales The final grade is based on the weighted average of the marks of the written exam (60%) and the practical part (40%). All the graded parts should be Pass. criteria of evaluation: ·         the quantity and quality of the knowledge of the theoretical material ·         the quality of the fulfilment of the practical tasks, presentations and homework
assessmentMethod en
Evaluation of outcomes Learning requirements, mode of evaluation, criteria of evaluation: requirements ·         active participation in the classes ·         acquiring and knowing the theoretical literature treated in classes ·         the fulfilment of the practical tasks, presentations and homeworks mode of evaluation Both a written exam from the theoretical part of the course (lecture and the obligatory readings), and the fulfilment of the practical tasks, presentations and homework are graded on five-pint scales The final grade is based on the weighted average of the marks of the written exam (60%) and the practical part (40%). All the graded parts should be Pass. criteria of evaluation: ·         the quantity and quality of the knowledge of the theoretical material ·         the quality of the fulfilment of the practical tasks, presentations and homework