Extended data for Personality Psychology 2.

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bibliography hu
Reading list Compulsory reading list Carver, C. S., Scheier, M. F. (2014): Perspectives on personality: Pearson New International Edition. (7th edition). Required chapters: The Psychoanalytic Perspective (pp. 129-150); Psychosocial Theories (pp. 161-182); Self-Actualization and Self-Determination (pp. 221-248); The Self-Regulation Perspective (pp. 277-303); Personality in Perspective: Overlap and Integration (pp. 305-314) Carver, C. S., Scheier, M. F. (2003): Ego Psychology. In: Perspectives on personality. Ch.10. (5th edition) Freud, F. (1989). An outline of Psycho-Analysis. W. W. Norton & Company Erikson, E. H. (1968/1994). The life cycle: Epigenesis of Identity. In Identity: Youth and Crisis. Ch. 3. W. W. Norton & Company. Freud, A. (1966/1992). The mechanisms of Defence. In The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defence. Ch. 4. The Hogarth Press. Jung, C. G. (1968/1990). The Concept of the Collective Unconscious (Ch.2). Conscious, Unconscious, and Individuation (Ch.10).  In The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious. 2nd edition. Princeton University Press. Rogers, C. R. (1961/2004). Some hypotheses regarding the facilitation of personal growth (Ch.2). What it means to become a person (Ch.6). In On Becoming a Person: A Therapist’s View of Psychotherapy. Constable & Robinson. Maslow, A. S. (1968/1999). Deficiency motivation and growth motivation. In Toward a Psychology of Being. Ch.3. John Wiley & Sons. 3rd ed. Csikszentmihályi, M. (1991). The conditions of flow. In Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience. Ch.4. Harper Perennial Recommended reading list FREUD, S. (2003). The ’Wolfman’ and Other Cases. The Pengiun Press. FREUD, S. (1923/1961). The Ego and the Id. In The ego and the id: And other works. The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud. Vintage HAMILTON, N. H. (1988). Self and Others: Object Relations Theory in Practice. Jason Aronson. KERNBERG, O. F. (1975). Borderline conditions and pathological narcissism. Jason Aronson. BAUMEISTER, R. F;  Tierney, J. (2012). Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength. The Pengiun Press. CSIKSZENTMIHALYI, M. (1998). Finding Flow: The Psychology of Engagement With Everyday Life. Basic Books. SELIGMAN, M. E. P. (2002). Authentic Happiness: Using the New Positive Psychology to Realize Your Potential for Lasting Fulfillment. New York
courseContent hu
Content of the course Topics of the course 1. The Psychoanalytic Perspective 2. Neoanalytical Perspective (ego psychology and psychosocial theories) 3. Self-Actualization and Self-Determination 4. The Cognitive Perspective and Self-regulation 5. Personality Disorders 6. The healthy / mature personality 7. Positive Psychology Learning activities, learning methods: frontal lecture, reading seminar, cooperative learning, group work, papers and presentations by the students
assessmentMethod hu
Evaluation of outcomes Learning requirements, mode of evaluation, criteria of evaluation: requirements: activity on the lectures activity on the seminars, doing the homework, papers and presentations mode of evaluation: The written examination based on the theoretical part of the course (lectures and the compulsory literature). Grading: five-grade rating. Evaluation of the practical part: five-grade rating based on practical exercises, homework, papers and presentations. Final grade: five-grade rating; a weighted average of the written exam (60%) and the evaluation of the practical part (40%), following the rules of the mathematical rounding. criteria of evaluation: the amount and quality of the knowledge of the course material the quality of the practical exercises, homework, papers and presentations