Extended data for Introduction to Bordering Sciences

Stored data
Introduction to Bordering Sciences
Organizational Unit
ISCED code
0313 Psychology
Language of instruction


Academic term
Introduction to Bordering Sciences hu
Introduction to Bordering Sciences en
bibliography hu
Reading list Compulsory reading list •        Eriksen, T. H.  2010. Small places, large issues. An introduction to social and cultural anthropology. Pluto Press, London-New York. •        Giddens, A., Duneier, M., Appelbaum, R. P., and Carr, D. 2016. Introduction to sociology. W.W. Norton and Comp., New York. •        Haviland, W. A., Prins, H., Walrath, D., McBride, B. 2013. The essence of anthropology. Wadsworth, Cengage. •        Heyne, P., Boettke, P. and Prychitko, D. 2006. The economic way of thinking. 11th ed. Pearson, Upper Saddle River. •        Scannell, P. 2007. Media and communication. Sage, Los Angeles. Recommended reading list •        Tversky, A., and Kahneman, D. 1992. Advances in prospect theory. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 5, 297-323. •        Other literature recommended in the course
courseContent hu
Content of the course Topics of the course •        Cultural anthropology: the course reviews the history of the discipline from the beginning to contemporary trends. The students are introduced into methodology and approach of the science. After the reviewing the schools of “armchair” anthropology the students become acquainted with both of developing trends of anthropology and field methods. In the second part of the course the anthropologies studying special aspects of cultures and societies will be reviewed. •        Sociology: first the classic theories and approaches of sociology and conceptual frames of social integration are will be introduced, then the process of interpretation of reality will be discussed from different approaches (phenomenology, sociology of knowledge, constructivism). Next, the central aspects of interpersonal interactions will be analysed: rationality of communication, relationship of identity construction and role play, and forms of acknowledgement. Then the functional approach of society will be discussed. Last topic is the newest changes of society. •        Economics: the students will be introduced into basic concepts of economics. Next, the opportunities of psychology to add complimentary knowledge and methods to economics are discussed (economic psychology). Why a cognitive psychologist (Daniel Kahneman) received Nobel prize in economics in 2002? •        Communication and media science: the main aim of the course to familiarize students with aspects of communication as collective way of living and basic questions of communication theories. All of these are worked up in systematic approach of philosophical epistemology, theory of society and history. The students will be introduced also into scientific terms and theories of world of digital communication. Learning activities, learning methods Lectures, reading literature
assessmentMethod hu
Evaluation of outcomes Learning requirements, mode of evaluation, criteria of evaluation: requirements •        Written exam based on lectures and literature •        Final mark is counted as mean of four marks (25-25%) mode of evaluation: mark (1-5) criteria of evaluation: •        Primary standpoint that students would be able to apply properly the knowledges of all of sciences they learned in the course