Extended data for Introduction to Educational Psychology

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Introduction to Educational Psychology
Organizational Unit
ISCED code
0313 Psychology
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Introduction to Educational Psychology hu
Introduction to Educational Psychology en
bibliography hu
Compulsory reading list Choose at least four articles for each main topic! Ecological systems and the family Kagitcibasi, C. (2002). A Model of Family Change in Cultural Context. Online Readings in Psychology and Culture, 6(3). http://dx.doi.org/10.9707/2307-0919.1059 Trommsdorff, G. (2002). An Eco-Cultural and Interpersonal Relations Approach to Development over the Life Span. Online Readings in Psychology and Culture, 6(2).  http://dx.doi.org/10.9707/2307-0919.1057  Super, C.M. & Harkness, S (1994) The Developmental Niche. In Lonner. W. J. and Malpass, R. S. (Eds.)(1994). Psychology and culture. (95-100) Needham Heights, MA: Allyn and Bacon. http://eyewitness.utep.edu/3331/Lonner&Malpass1994%20Chap%2013.pdf Harkness, S. & Super, C.M.(wd) Themes and Variations: Parental Ethnotheories in Western Cultures. In Rubin, K. Chung, E.B. (Ed.), Parental beliefs, parenting, and child development in cross-cultural perspective. (61-81) New York: Psychology Press. http://brown.edu/Departments/Human_Development_Center/Roundtable/Harkness.pdf  Bronfenbrenner, U. (1994) Ecological models of human development. In International Encyclopedia of Education, Vol.3. (2nd Edition) Oxford: Elsevier. http://www.psy.cmu.edu/~siegler/35bronfebrenner94.pdf Bronfenbrenner, U. and Evans, G., W. (2000) Developmental Science in the 21st Century: Emerging Questions, Theoretical Models, Research Designs and Empirical Findings. Social Development, 9(1), 115–125.  DOI: 10.1111/1467-9507.00114 Spagnola, M & Fiese, B.H. (2007) Family routines and rituals. Infants and Young Children, 20 (4), 284-299. Rohner, R. P., & Khaleque, A. (2002). Parental Acceptance-Rejection and Life-Span Development: A Universalist Perspective. Online Readings in Psychology and Culture, 6(1). http://dx.doi.org/10.9707/2307-0919.1055 Schwarz, B., Mayer, B., Trommsdorff, G., Ben-Arieh, A., Friedlmeier, M., Lubiewska, K.,  Mishra, R. and Peltzer, K. (2012) "Does the Importance of Parent and Peer Relationships for Adolescents’ Life Satisfaction Vary Across Cultures?  Peer Reviewed Articles. Paper 41. URL:http://scholarworks.gvsu.edu/psy_articles/41 Hedegaard, M.(2009)Children’s Development from a Cultural–Historical Approach: Children’s Activity in Everyday Local Settings as Foundation for Their Development. Mind, Culture, and Activity, 16, 64–81. DOI: 10.1080/10749030802477374 Ou, S.R., and Reynolds, A.J. (2008) Predictors of Educational Attainment in the Chicago Longitudinal Study. School Psychology Quarterly, 23(2), 199–229. Individual differences Montgomery, M.S. and Groat, L.N. (n.d) Student learning styles and their implications for learning. The Centre for Research on Learning and Teaching. Occasional papers No. 10. URL: http://www.crlt.umich.edu/sites/default/files/resource_files/CRLT_no10.pdf Pashler, H., McDaniel, M., Rohrer, D. and Bjorl, R. (2009) Learning styles: Concepts and evidence. Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 9 (3), 105-119. URL: http://steinhardtapps.es.its.nyu.edu/create/courses/2174/reading/Pashler_et_al_PSPI_9_3.pdf Hassall, R., Rose, J. & McDonald, J. (2005) Parenting stress in mothers of children with an intellectual disability: the effects of parental cognitions in relation to child characteristics and family support. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 49 (6), 405-418. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2788.2005.00673.x URL: http://uais.lzu.edu.cn/uploads/soft/20110811/18-110Q1100448.pdf  Eisenhower, A.S., Baker, B.L. and J. Blacher, J. (2005) Preschool Children with Intellectual Disability: Syndrome Specificity, Behaviour Problems, and Maternal Well-Being. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 49 (9), 657-671. URL: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1365-2788.2005.00699.x/pdf    Thomas, S.B. and Dykes, F. (2011) Promoting Successful Transitions: What Can We Learn From RTI to Enhance Outcomes for All Students? Preventing School Failure, 55(1), 1–9. DOI: 10.1080/10459880903217978 Reynolds, C.R. and Shaywitz, S.E. (2009) Response to Intervention: Ready or Not? Or, From Wait-to-Fail to Watch-Them-Fail. School Psychology Quarterly, 24( 2), 130–145. Karande, S. (2012) Quality of Life in Children Diagnosed with Specific Learning Disability or Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. In D. Petersen and D. Hollar (Eds.) Handbook of children with special health care needs.(73-87) New York, NY: Springer Rubinsten, O., Henik, A. (2009). Developmental Dyscalculia: heterogeneity might not mean differentmechanisms. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 13(2) 92-99. Rimm, S. (2008) Underachievement Syndrome: A Psychological Defensive Pattern. In S. Pfeiffer (Ed.) Handbook of giftedness in children. (139-161) New York, NY: Springer Scott Barry Kaufman, S.B. and Sternberg, R.J. (2008) Conceptions of giftedness. In S. Pfeiffer (Ed.) Handbook of giftedness in children. (71-93) New York, NY: Springer Li, H., Lee, D., Pfeiffer, S.I., Kamata, A., Kumtepe, A.T.,  and Rosado, J.  (2009) Measurement Invariance of the Gifted Rating Scales—School Form Across Five Cultural Groups. School Psychology Quarterly, 24 (3), 186–198. Key processes in schools Carter, E.W., Trainor, A.A., Sun, Y. and Owens, L. (2009) Assessing the Transition-Related Strengths and Needs of Adolescents With High-Incidence Disabilities. Exceptional Children, 76(1), 74-94. Kellems, R.O. and Morningstar, M.E. (2010) Tips for Transition. Teaching Exceptional Children, 43(2),60-68. Malka, A. and Covington, M.V. (2005) Perceiving school performance as instrumental to future goal attainment: Effects on graded performance. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 30,60–80. Gullone, E., Hughes,K.  E., King, J.N., Tonge, B. (2010). The normative development of emotion regulation strategy use in children and adolescents: a 2-year follow-up study. Journal of School Psychology, 51 (5), 567-574. Fried, L. (2010). Understanding and enhancing emotion and motivation regulation strategy use in the classroom. The International Journal of Learning. 17 (6), 127-139.   Schools as organizations Anthony L. Hemmelgarn, Charles Glisson, Lawrence R. James (2006). Organizational culture and climate: Implications for services and interventions research. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 13 (1),73-89. Hattie, J. (2005). The paradox of reducing class size and improving learning outcomes. International Journal of Educational Research 43, 387–425. Koth, C.W.,  Bradshaw, C.P. & Leaf, P.J. (2008). A multilevel study of predictors of student perceptions of school climate: The effect of classroom-level factors. Journal of Educational Psychology, 100 (1), 96–104. Elovainio , M., Pietikäinen, M.,  Luopa, P., Kivimäki, M.,  Ferrie, J.E., Jokela, J., Sakari Suominen, S., Vahtera, J. & Marianna Virtanen, M. (2011). Organizational justice at school and its  with pupils’ psychosocial school environment, health, and wellbeing. Social Science & Medicine, 73, 1675-1682. Garrett, T. (2008) Student-Centered and Teacher-Centered Classroom Management: A Case Study of Three Elementary Teachers. Journal of Classroom Interaction, 43(1), 34-47. Doyle, W. (2009). Situated practice: A reflection on person-centered classroom management. Theory Into Practice, 48 (2),156–160. Freiberg, H.J. & Lamb, S.M. (2009). Dimensions of Person-Centered Classroom Management. Theory Into Practice, 48, 99-105. DOI: 10.1080/00405840902776228 Shernoff, D. J., & Csikszentmihalyi, M. (2009). Flow in schools: Cultivating engaged learners and optimal learning environments. In R. Gilman, E. S. Huebner, & M. Furlong (Eds.), Handbook of Positive Psychology in Schools (pp. 131-145). New York: Routledge. URL:http://www.cedu.niu.edu/~shernoff/Shernoff%20and%20Csikszentmihalyi%20C011.pdf Thomas D. Oakland and Shane R. Jimerson (2007). School Psychology Internationally: A retrospective view and influential conditions in: S.R. Jimerson, T.D. Oakland, P.T. Farrell (eds). Handbook of international school psychology. (pp.453-462). Thousand Oaks, CA:Sage Jacqueline L. Cunningham (2007). Centripetal and centrifugal trends influencing school psychology’s international development. In S.R. Jimerson, T.D. Oakland, P.T. Farrell (eds). Handbook of international school psychology. (pp.463-474). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Shane R. Jimerson, Kelly Graydon, Michael Curtis, and Rene Staskal (2007).The International School Psychology Survey: Insights from school psychologists around the world. In S.R. Jimerson, T.D. Oakland, P.T. Farrell (eds). Handbook of international school psychology. (pp.481-500). Thousand Oaks, CA:Sage Peter T. Farrell, Shane R. Jimerson, and Thomas D. Oakland (2007). Summary and synthesis of international school psychology. In S.R. Jimerson, T.D. Oakland, P.T. Farrell (eds). Handbook of international school psychology. (pp.501-510). Thousand Oaks, CA:Sage
bibliography en
Compulsory reading list Choose at least four articles for each main topic! Ecological systems and the family Kagitcibasi, C. (2002). A Model of Family Change in Cultural Context. Online Readings in Psychology and Culture, 6(3). http://dx.doi.org/10.9707/2307-0919.1059 Trommsdorff, G. (2002). An Eco-Cultural and Interpersonal Relations Approach to Development over the Life Span. Online Readings in Psychology and Culture, 6(2).  http://dx.doi.org/10.9707/2307-0919.1057  Super, C.M. & Harkness, S (1994) The Developmental Niche. In Lonner. W. J. and Malpass, R. S. (Eds.)(1994). Psychology and culture. (95-100) Needham Heights, MA: Allyn and Bacon. http://eyewitness.utep.edu/3331/Lonner&Malpass1994%20Chap%2013.pdf Harkness, S. & Super, C.M.(wd) Themes and Variations: Parental Ethnotheories in Western Cultures. In Rubin, K. Chung, E.B. (Ed.), Parental beliefs, parenting, and child development in cross-cultural perspective. (61-81) New York: Psychology Press. http://brown.edu/Departments/Human_Development_Center/Roundtable/Harkness.pdf  Bronfenbrenner, U. (1994) Ecological models of human development. In International Encyclopedia of Education, Vol.3. (2nd Edition) Oxford: Elsevier. http://www.psy.cmu.edu/~siegler/35bronfebrenner94.pdf Bronfenbrenner, U. and Evans, G., W. (2000) Developmental Science in the 21st Century: Emerging Questions, Theoretical Models, Research Designs and Empirical Findings. Social Development, 9(1), 115–125.  DOI: 10.1111/1467-9507.00114 Spagnola, M & Fiese, B.H. (2007) Family routines and rituals. Infants and Young Children, 20 (4), 284-299. Rohner, R. P., & Khaleque, A. (2002). Parental Acceptance-Rejection and Life-Span Development: A Universalist Perspective. Online Readings in Psychology and Culture, 6(1). http://dx.doi.org/10.9707/2307-0919.1055 Schwarz, B., Mayer, B., Trommsdorff, G., Ben-Arieh, A., Friedlmeier, M., Lubiewska, K.,  Mishra, R. and Peltzer, K. (2012) "Does the Importance of Parent and Peer Relationships for Adolescents’ Life Satisfaction Vary Across Cultures?  Peer Reviewed Articles. Paper 41. URL:http://scholarworks.gvsu.edu/psy_articles/41 Hedegaard, M.(2009)Children’s Development from a Cultural–Historical Approach: Children’s Activity in Everyday Local Settings as Foundation for Their Development. Mind, Culture, and Activity, 16, 64–81. DOI: 10.1080/10749030802477374 Ou, S.R., and Reynolds, A.J. (2008) Predictors of Educational Attainment in the Chicago Longitudinal Study. School Psychology Quarterly, 23(2), 199–229. Individual differences Montgomery, M.S. and Groat, L.N. (n.d) Student learning styles and their implications for learning. The Centre for Research on Learning and Teaching. Occasional papers No. 10. URL: http://www.crlt.umich.edu/sites/default/files/resource_files/CRLT_no10.pdf Pashler, H., McDaniel, M., Rohrer, D. and Bjorl, R. (2009) Learning styles: Concepts and evidence. Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 9 (3), 105-119. URL: http://steinhardtapps.es.its.nyu.edu/create/courses/2174/reading/Pashler_et_al_PSPI_9_3.pdf Hassall, R., Rose, J. & McDonald, J. (2005) Parenting stress in mothers of children with an intellectual disability: the effects of parental cognitions in relation to child characteristics and family support. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 49 (6), 405-418. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2788.2005.00673.x URL: http://uais.lzu.edu.cn/uploads/soft/20110811/18-110Q1100448.pdf  Eisenhower, A.S., Baker, B.L. and J. Blacher, J. (2005) Preschool Children with Intellectual Disability: Syndrome Specificity, Behaviour Problems, and Maternal Well-Being. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 49 (9), 657-671. URL: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1365-2788.2005.00699.x/pdf    Thomas, S.B. and Dykes, F. (2011) Promoting Successful Transitions: What Can We Learn From RTI to Enhance Outcomes for All Students? Preventing School Failure, 55(1), 1–9. DOI: 10.1080/10459880903217978 Reynolds, C.R. and Shaywitz, S.E. (2009) Response to Intervention: Ready or Not? Or, From Wait-to-Fail to Watch-Them-Fail. School Psychology Quarterly, 24( 2), 130–145. Karande, S. (2012) Quality of Life in Children Diagnosed with Specific Learning Disability or Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. In D. Petersen and D. Hollar (Eds.) Handbook of children with special health care needs.(73-87) New York, NY: Springer Rubinsten, O., Henik, A. (2009). Developmental Dyscalculia: heterogeneity might not mean differentmechanisms. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 13(2) 92-99. Rimm, S. (2008) Underachievement Syndrome: A Psychological Defensive Pattern. In S. Pfeiffer (Ed.) Handbook of giftedness in children. (139-161) New York, NY: Springer Scott Barry Kaufman, S.B. and Sternberg, R.J. (2008) Conceptions of giftedness. In S. Pfeiffer (Ed.) Handbook of giftedness in children. (71-93) New York, NY: Springer Li, H., Lee, D., Pfeiffer, S.I., Kamata, A., Kumtepe, A.T.,  and Rosado, J.  (2009) Measurement Invariance of the Gifted Rating Scales—School Form Across Five Cultural Groups. School Psychology Quarterly, 24 (3), 186–198. Key processes in schools Carter, E.W., Trainor, A.A., Sun, Y. and Owens, L. (2009) Assessing the Transition-Related Strengths and Needs of Adolescents With High-Incidence Disabilities. Exceptional Children, 76(1), 74-94. Kellems, R.O. and Morningstar, M.E. (2010) Tips for Transition. Teaching Exceptional Children, 43(2),60-68. Malka, A. and Covington, M.V. (2005) Perceiving school performance as instrumental to future goal attainment: Effects on graded performance. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 30,60–80. Gullone, E., Hughes,K.  E., King, J.N., Tonge, B. (2010). The normative development of emotion regulation strategy use in children and adolescents: a 2-year follow-up study. Journal of School Psychology, 51 (5), 567-574. Fried, L. (2010). Understanding and enhancing emotion and motivation regulation strategy use in the classroom. The International Journal of Learning. 17 (6), 127-139.   Schools as organizations Anthony L. Hemmelgarn, Charles Glisson, Lawrence R. James (2006). Organizational culture and climate: Implications for services and interventions research. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 13 (1),73-89. Hattie, J. (2005). The paradox of reducing class size and improving learning outcomes. International Journal of Educational Research 43, 387–425. Koth, C.W.,  Bradshaw, C.P. & Leaf, P.J. (2008). A multilevel study of predictors of student perceptions of school climate: The effect of classroom-level factors. Journal of Educational Psychology, 100 (1), 96–104. Elovainio , M., Pietikäinen, M.,  Luopa, P., Kivimäki, M.,  Ferrie, J.E., Jokela, J., Sakari Suominen, S., Vahtera, J. & Marianna Virtanen, M. (2011). Organizational justice at school and its  with pupils’ psychosocial school environment, health, and wellbeing. Social Science & Medicine, 73, 1675-1682. Garrett, T. (2008) Student-Centered and Teacher-Centered Classroom Management: A Case Study of Three Elementary Teachers. Journal of Classroom Interaction, 43(1), 34-47. Doyle, W. (2009). Situated practice: A reflection on person-centered classroom management. Theory Into Practice, 48 (2),156–160. Freiberg, H.J. & Lamb, S.M. (2009). Dimensions of Person-Centered Classroom Management. Theory Into Practice, 48, 99-105. DOI: 10.1080/00405840902776228 Shernoff, D. J., & Csikszentmihalyi, M. (2009). Flow in schools: Cultivating engaged learners and optimal learning environments. In R. Gilman, E. S. Huebner, & M. Furlong (Eds.), Handbook of Positive Psychology in Schools (pp. 131-145). New York: Routledge. URL:http://www.cedu.niu.edu/~shernoff/Shernoff%20and%20Csikszentmihalyi%20C011.pdf Thomas D. Oakland and Shane R. Jimerson (2007). School Psychology Internationally: A retrospective view and influential conditions in: S.R. Jimerson, T.D. Oakland, P.T. Farrell (eds). Handbook of international school psychology. (pp.453-462). Thousand Oaks, CA:Sage Jacqueline L. Cunningham (2007). Centripetal and centrifugal trends influencing school psychology’s international development. In S.R. Jimerson, T.D. Oakland, P.T. Farrell (eds). Handbook of international school psychology. (pp.463-474). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Shane R. Jimerson, Kelly Graydon, Michael Curtis, and Rene Staskal (2007).The International School Psychology Survey: Insights from school psychologists around the world. In S.R. Jimerson, T.D. Oakland, P.T. Farrell (eds). Handbook of international school psychology. (pp.481-500). Thousand Oaks, CA:Sage Peter T. Farrell, Shane R. Jimerson, and Thomas D. Oakland (2007). Summary and synthesis of international school psychology. In S.R. Jimerson, T.D. Oakland, P.T. Farrell (eds). Handbook of international school psychology. (pp.501-510). Thousand Oaks, CA:Sage
courseContent hu
Content of the course Topics of the course  Ecological systems and the family (Ecological perspectives of child rearing: basic processes of socialization; Life-cycle of the family, family dysfunctions; Parenting styles and their correlates in different cultural contexts)  Individual differences (Students’ cognitive and temperament styles as a basis of individual differences; Socialization of children with special education needs; Meeting special education needs in schools: models of service provision; Specific learning disabilities: dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia and ADHD; Giftedness and talent: identification, types and models of service provision)  Key processes in schools (Normative crises in schools: transition planning & social-emotional learning; Learning and motivation)  Schools as organizations (School as an organization – school climate & values; Teacher vs. student centered classrooms; Helping professions in schools– school psychology: an international perspective) Learning activities, learning methods whole-group discussion, analyzing films,
courseContent en
Content of the course Topics of the course  Ecological systems and the family (Ecological perspectives of child rearing: basic processes of socialization; Life-cycle of the family, family dysfunctions; Parenting styles and their correlates in different cultural contexts)  Individual differences (Students’ cognitive and temperament styles as a basis of individual differences; Socialization of children with special education needs; Meeting special education needs in schools: models of service provision; Specific learning disabilities: dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia and ADHD; Giftedness and talent: identification, types and models of service provision)  Key processes in schools (Normative crises in schools: transition planning & social-emotional learning; Learning and motivation)  Schools as organizations (School as an organization – school climate & values; Teacher vs. student centered classrooms; Helping professions in schools– school psychology: an international perspective) Learning activities, learning methods whole-group discussion, analyzing films,
assessmentMethod hu
Evaluation of outcomes Learning requirements, mode of evaluation, criteria of evaluation: requirements Oral exam – questions to be posted after the spring break consisting of vignettes – short descriptions of problem-situations that characteristically appear in educational contexts. The student has to identify possible causes and solutions based on lectures, class discussions and required readings. definitions – 10 randomly assigned key-concepts from the course to be defined For those less comfortable with an oral exam (e.g. Erasmus students) - as a partial fulfillment of the course a completion of a mini-project by the end of the study period of the semester on one of the themes in the syllabus is an option. The precise theme and content overview has to be discussed with the lecturer beforehand (before spring break at the latest). mode of evaluation:  grading on a 1-5 scale 0-55 points – 1 (fail); 56-67 points – 2 (pass); 68-80 points – 3 (satisfactory); 81-90 points – 4 (good); 91-100 points – 5 (excellent) criteria of evaluation: Mini-project: succinct description of the phenomenon to be discussed, its implication for socialization/education, identification of theoretical underpinnings of compared aspects and their importance for students outcomes – 35 000-40 000 characters – including APA style references (maximum 50 points) Vignettes – where the reasoning behind identifying the problem and its possible solutions, the appropriate use of technical terms, citation and utilization of information present in literature are evaluated. (maximum 30 points if mini-project is written – and 80 points without mini-project) Definitions – every correct definition gets 2 points (maximum 20 points)
assessmentMethod en
Evaluation of outcomes Learning requirements, mode of evaluation, criteria of evaluation: requirements Oral exam – questions to be posted after the spring break consisting of vignettes – short descriptions of problem-situations that characteristically appear in educational contexts. The student has to identify possible causes and solutions based on lectures, class discussions and required readings. definitions – 10 randomly assigned key-concepts from the course to be defined For those less comfortable with an oral exam (e.g. Erasmus students) - as a partial fulfillment of the course a completion of a mini-project by the end of the study period of the semester on one of the themes in the syllabus is an option. The precise theme and content overview has to be discussed with the lecturer beforehand (before spring break at the latest). mode of evaluation:  grading on a 1-5 scale 0-55 points – 1 (fail); 56-67 points – 2 (pass); 68-80 points – 3 (satisfactory); 81-90 points – 4 (good); 91-100 points – 5 (excellent) criteria of evaluation: Mini-project: succinct description of the phenomenon to be discussed, its implication for socialization/education, identification of theoretical underpinnings of compared aspects and their importance for students outcomes – 35 000-40 000 characters – including APA style references (maximum 50 points) Vignettes – where the reasoning behind identifying the problem and its possible solutions, the appropriate use of technical terms, citation and utilization of information present in literature are evaluated. (maximum 30 points if mini-project is written – and 80 points without mini-project) Definitions – every correct definition gets 2 points (maximum 20 points)