Extended data for Infant and Child Study

Stored data
bibliography hu
Reading list Compulsory reading list materials from the lectures selected scientific articles Lightfoot, Cole & Cole (2012): The Development of Children.
bibliography en
Reading list Compulsory reading list materials from the lectures selected scientific articles Lightfoot, Cole & Cole (2012): The Development of Children.
courseContent hu
Content of the course Topics of the course Basic concepts of research methodology Discussing often used methods in developmental science, with a focus on experimental methods Characteristics of scientific articles, critically reviewing scientific literature Research planning: Open Science practices and research ethics Data analysis and publication   Learning activities, learning methods presentations, group tasks, interactive discussions, joint analysis of scientific articles, creating research plans
courseContent en
Content of the course Topics of the course Basic concepts of research methodology Discussing often used methods in developmental science, with a focus on experimental methods Characteristics of scientific articles, critically reviewing scientific literature Research planning: Open Science practices and research ethics Data analysis and publication   Learning activities, learning methods presentations, group tasks, interactive discussions, joint analysis of scientific articles, creating research plans
assessmentMethod hu
Evaluation of outcomes Learning requirements, mode of evaluation, criteria of evaluation: requirements critical review of a scientific article (group project) planning a novel research on the field of developmental psychology (group project) minterm exam (individual project) brief tasks during the Semester (individual / group project) a maximum of 3 absences during the Semester mode of evaluation: critical evaluation of a scientific paper - group presentation research plan - paper submitted by group written exam - individual task activity during the Semester and brief tasks 5 grade scale
assessmentMethod en
Evaluation of outcomes Learning requirements, mode of evaluation, criteria of evaluation: requirements critical review of a scientific article (group project) planning a novel research on the field of developmental psychology (group project) minterm exam (individual project) brief tasks during the Semester (individual / group project) a maximum of 3 absences during the Semester mode of evaluation: critical evaluation of a scientific paper - group presentation research plan - paper submitted by group written exam - individual task activity during the Semester and brief tasks 5 grade scale