Extended data for Investment and Financing

Stored data
bibliography hu
Ross-Westerfield-Jordan: Fundamentals of Corporate Finance (13th Edition), Ch. 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 24, 25, 27 György Walter: Corporate Financing - Opportunities, products, and institutions, Alinea 2020 (e-book)
bibliography en
Ross-Westerfield-Jordan: Fundamentals of Corporate Finance (13th Edition), Ch. 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 24, 25, 27 György Walter: Corporate Financing - Opportunities, products, and institutions, Alinea 2020 (e-book)
courseContent hu
Topics covered: Modern Portfolio Theory Capital Allocation to Risky Assets The Capital Asset Pricing Model Index Models The Efficient Market Hypothesis Capital Structure Theory Business Planning, Financial Planning Financing alternatives Banking services, lending activities Project financing
courseContent en
Topics covered: Modern Portfolio Theory Capital Allocation to Risky Assets The Capital Asset Pricing Model Index Models The Efficient Market Hypothesis Capital Structure Theory Business Planning, Financial Planning Financing alternatives Banking services, lending activities Project financing
assessmentMethod hu
Grades offered during the semester: 60-69% satisfactory, 70-84% good, 85-100% excellent Examination grade: 50-54% pass, 55-69%, satisfactory, 70-84% good, 85-100% excellent The current assessment and evaluation requirements of the ELTE GTK apply, which can be found on the GTK TH website under the student's level of training.
assessmentMethod en
Grades offered during the semester: 60-69% satisfactory, 70-84% good, 85-100% excellent Examination grade: 50-54% pass, 55-69%, satisfactory, 70-84% good, 85-100% excellent The current assessment and evaluation requirements of the ELTE GTK apply, which can be found on the GTK TH website under the student's level of training.