Extended data for Games-based Learning and Technology

Stored data
Games-based Learning and Technology
ISCED code
0111 Education science
Language of instruction


Academic term
Games-based Learning and Technology  hu
Games-based Learning and Technology  en
bibliography hu
Tobias S., Fletcher J.D., Wind A.P. (2014) Game-Based Learning. In: Spector J., Merrill M., Elen J., Bishop M. (eds) Handbook of Research on Educational Communications and Technology. Springer, New York, NY. Young, M., & Slota, S. (2017). Exploding the castle: Rethinking how video games and game mechanics can shape the future of education (Psychological perspectives on contemporary educational issues). Charlotte, North Carolina: Information Age Publishing.
courseContent hu
Major topics: 1. Principles and theories of game-based learning 2. Digital games, narrative and gameplay 3. The characteristics of effective digital game media 4. Information behaviour and knowledge construction in game environments 5. Pedagogical affordances of digital games 6. Implementing digital games in the learning environment
assessmentMethod hu
A számonkérés és értékelés rendszere angolul: Each of the following assignments will be given a letter grade and weighted as follows: Online reflective journal Task 1 – (10%) Online reflective journal Task 2 – (10%) Gameplay and critical review of a game – (40%) The development and presentation of a game-based learning event – (40%) Course grades: 5 (100-90%), 4 (90-80%), 3 (80-70%), 2 (70-60%), 1 (below 60%)