Extended data for Economics I.

Stored data
bibliography hu
Textbook N. Gregory Mankiw: Principles of Economics, Ninth Edtion, Cengage Learning, Inc., Boston MA, 2021 (previous editions are equally good).
bibliography en
Textbook N. Gregory Mankiw: Principles of Economics, Ninth Edtion, Cengage Learning, Inc., Boston MA, 2021 (previous editions are equally good).
courseContent hu
Course outline Part One: Introduction Week 1: Economics as a social science Week 2: Ten principles of economics. Thinking like an economist Week 3: Interdependence and the gains from trade Part Two: How markets work? Week 4: The market forces of supply and demand Week 5: Elasticity and its Applications Week 6: Supply, demand, and government policies Part Three: Markets, welafare, and the economics of the public sector Week 7: Consumers, producers and the efficiency of markets Week 8: Externalities, public goods, and common resources Part Four: Firm behavior, the organization of industry, and topics for further study Week 9: The costs of production, firms in competitive markets Week 10: Monopoly Week 11: Economics of information, game theory Week 12: Final exam
courseContent en
Course outline Part One: Introduction Week 1: Economics as a social science Week 2: Ten principles of economics. Thinking like an economist Week 3: Interdependence and the gains from trade Part Two: How markets work? Week 4: The market forces of supply and demand Week 5: Elasticity and its Applications Week 6: Supply, demand, and government policies Part Three: Markets, welafare, and the economics of the public sector Week 7: Consumers, producers and the efficiency of markets Week 8: Externalities, public goods, and common resources Part Four: Firm behavior, the organization of industry, and topics for further study Week 9: The costs of production, firms in competitive markets Week 10: Monopoly Week 11: Economics of information, game theory Week 12: Final exam
assessmentMethod hu
Exam Final, closed book, written exam in the last week of the study period for 80 points. Grading 0-39 points: fail (1); 40-49 points: pass (2); 50-59 points: satisfactory (3); 60-69 points: good (4); 70-80 points: excellent (5)
assessmentMethod en
Exam Final, closed book, written exam in the last week of the study period for 80 points. Grading 0-39 points: fail (1); 40-49 points: pass (2); 50-59 points: satisfactory (3); 60-69 points: good (4); 70-80 points: excellent (5)