Extended data for Counselling and Social Psychology - seminar

Stored data
Counselling and Social Psychology - seminar
ISCED code
0413 Management and administration
Language of instruction


Academic term
Counselling and Social Psychology - seminar hu
Counselling and Social Psychology - seminar en
bibliography hu
Egan, G. (2014): The skilled helper: a problem-management and opportunity-development approach to helping. Brooks/Cole, Cangage Learning, ISBN: 978-1-285-06571-7 Gelso, C. J. & Fretz, B. R. (2014). Counseling psychology 3rd ed. Harcourt College Publishers: NY. ISBN: 978-1433817113 Forgas, Joseph P. and Williams, Kipling D.(2003): The social mind: Cognitive and motivational aspects of interpersonal behavior. Cambridge University Press, ISBN: 978-0521541251
bibliography en
Egan, G. (2014): The skilled helper: a problem-management and opportunity-development approach to helping. Brooks/Cole, Cangage Learning, ISBN: 978-1-285-06571-7 Gelso, C. J. & Fretz, B. R. (2014). Counseling psychology 3rd ed. Harcourt College Publishers: NY. ISBN: 978-1433817113 Forgas, Joseph P. and Williams, Kipling D.(2003): The social mind: Cognitive and motivational aspects of interpersonal behavior. Cambridge University Press, ISBN: 978-0521541251
courseContent hu
Main topics are: socialization, social learning, roles and status, personal perception, impression creation, attribution, prejudices and stereotypes, conformism, social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication, facilitation, aggression, counseling situation, attitudes, individual and group counseling, group dynamic.
courseContent en
Main topics are: socialization, social learning, roles and status, personal perception, impression creation, attribution, prejudices and stereotypes, conformism, social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication, facilitation, aggression, counseling situation, attitudes, individual and group counseling, group dynamic.
assessmentMethod hu
Upon the successful completion of this course students will be able to understand and to interpret the socio-psychological phenomena related to human resources counselling (skill level). This practical course is closely related to the first Counselling and social psychology-lecture course, here the students assimilate the theoretical knowledge through small-group exercises and experiental learning.
assessmentMethod en
Upon the successful completion of this course students will be able to understand and to interpret the socio-psychological phenomena related to human resources counselling (skill level). This practical course is closely related to the first Counselling and social psychology-lecture course, here the students assimilate the theoretical knowledge through small-group exercises and experiental learning.