Extended data for Organizational Psychology - lecture

Stored data
Organizational Psychology - lecture
ISCED code
0413 Management and administration
Language of instruction


Academic term
Organizational Psychology - lecture hu
Organizational Psychology - lecture en
bibliography hu
• Landy F. J., Conte J. M. (2010): Work in the 21st Century: An introduction to industrial and organizational psychology. 3rd ed. Wiley,. P. 3-28. • Porter, L. W., & Schneider, B. (2014). What was, what is, and what may be in OP/OB. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 1, 1–21. • Schein E.H. (2015). Organizational Psychology Then and Now: Some Observations. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 2, 1–19. • Briner, R.B. & Rousseau, D.M. (2011). Evidence-Based I-O Psychology: Not there yet. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 4, 3-22. • Faragó, K. (szerk.) Szervezet és pszichológia – Új irányzatok az ezredfordulón I. Kötet., Eötvös Kiadó, Budapest • Faragó, K. (szerk.) Szervezet és pszichológia – Szervezeti döntések http://ppk.elte.hu/2009/images/stories/_UPLOAD/DOKUMENTUMOK/Pszichologia_Phd/Szervezet-es-Pszichologia_2._ktet.pdf
bibliography en
• Landy F. J., Conte J. M. (2010): Work in the 21st Century: An introduction to industrial and organizational psychology. 3rd ed. Wiley,. P. 3-28. • Porter, L. W., & Schneider, B. (2014). What was, what is, and what may be in OP/OB. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 1, 1–21. • Schein E.H. (2015). Organizational Psychology Then and Now: Some Observations. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 2, 1–19. • Briner, R.B. & Rousseau, D.M. (2011). Evidence-Based I-O Psychology: Not there yet. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 4, 3-22. • Faragó, K. (szerk.) Szervezet és pszichológia – Új irányzatok az ezredfordulón I. Kötet., Eötvös Kiadó, Budapest • Faragó, K. (szerk.) Szervezet és pszichológia – Szervezeti döntések http://ppk.elte.hu/2009/images/stories/_UPLOAD/DOKUMENTUMOK/Pszichologia_Phd/Szervezet-es-Pszichologia_2._ktet.pdf
courseContent hu
Main content and thematic units • Organizational psychology as a used psychological area and as a science • The role of cultural differences in the functioning of organizations • The individual in the organization. Personality characteristics. Classical and modern approaches to work motivation • Teams in the organization. The effect of the group on performance. Safe atmosphere and confidence. Phases of team processes and development. Varied teams: generational and cultural differences. Formal and informal relationships and networks. Virtual teams. Psychology of crowdsourcing. • Possible interpretations of organizations: the organization as a living organism, as a machine, as the scene of psychological/emotional processes, as a political arena, and as a symbolic phenomenon. • Defining organizational culture. Organizational narrative and signification. The impact of culture on organizational efficiency. Measuring organizational culture. Managing cultural changes. • Organizational learning and development. Psychological factors of knowledge-sharing. Mental models and organizational memory. Characteristics of a learning organization; collective learning and reflexivity. • Positive organizational researches. The concept and measurement of psychological capital. • The organization as a complex and chaotic system. Directions of the organizational researches. The role of emotions in the life of organizations. Planned learning activities and teaching methods • Case studies and lectures helping theoretical groundwork • Performers invited from the practice
courseContent en
Main content and thematic units • Organizational psychology as a used psychological area and as a science • The role of cultural differences in the functioning of organizations • The individual in the organization. Personality characteristics. Classical and modern approaches to work motivation • Teams in the organization. The effect of the group on performance. Safe atmosphere and confidence. Phases of team processes and development. Varied teams: generational and cultural differences. Formal and informal relationships and networks. Virtual teams. Psychology of crowdsourcing. • Possible interpretations of organizations: the organization as a living organism, as a machine, as the scene of psychological/emotional processes, as a political arena, and as a symbolic phenomenon. • Defining organizational culture. Organizational narrative and signification. The impact of culture on organizational efficiency. Measuring organizational culture. Managing cultural changes. • Organizational learning and development. Psychological factors of knowledge-sharing. Mental models and organizational memory. Characteristics of a learning organization; collective learning and reflexivity. • Positive organizational researches. The concept and measurement of psychological capital. • The organization as a complex and chaotic system. Directions of the organizational researches. The role of emotions in the life of organizations. Planned learning activities and teaching methods • Case studies and lectures helping theoretical groundwork • Performers invited from the practice
assessmentMethod hu
Requirements, methods and aspects of assessment: Requirements • Acquiring the knowledge of the lectures, and a successful exam. Method of evaluation: • Writing a test during the exam period Aspects of evaluation: • Test
assessmentMethod en
Requirements • Acquiring the knowledge of the lectures, and a successful exam. Method of evaluation: • Writing a test during the exam period Aspects of evaluation: • Test