Extended data for Organizational Psychology - seminar

Stored data
Organizational Psychology - seminar
ISCED code
0413 Management and administration
Language of instruction


Academic term
Organizational Psychology - seminar hu
Organizational Psychology - seminar en
bibliography hu
• Landy F.J., Conte J.M. Work in the 21st Century: An introduction to industrial and organizational psychology. 3rd ed. Wiley, 2010. P. 3-28. • Porter, L. W., & Schneider, B. (2014). What was, what is, and what may be in OP/OB. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 1, 1–21. • Schein E.H. (2015). Organizational Psychology Then and Now: Some Observations. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 2, 1–19. • Briner, R.B. & Rousseau, D.M. (2011). Evidence-Based I-O Psychology: Not there yet. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 4, 3-22. • Faragó, K. (szerk.) Szervezet és pszichológia – Új irányzatok az ezredfordulón I. Kötet., Eötvös Kiadó, Budapest • Faragó, K. (szerk.) Szervezet és pszichológia – Szervezeti döntések http://ppk.elte.hu/2009/images/stories/_UPLOAD/DOKUMENTUMOK/Pszichologia_Phd/Szervezet-es-Pszichologia_2._ktet.pdf
bibliography en
• Landy F.J., Conte J.M. Work in the 21st Century: An introduction to industrial and organizational psychology. 3rd ed. Wiley, 2010. P. 3-28. • Porter, L. W., & Schneider, B. (2014). What was, what is, and what may be in OP/OB. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 1, 1–21. • Schein E.H. (2015). Organizational Psychology Then and Now: Some Observations. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 2, 1–19. • Briner, R.B. & Rousseau, D.M. (2011). Evidence-Based I-O Psychology: Not there yet. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 4, 3-22. • Faragó, K. (szerk.) Szervezet és pszichológia – Új irányzatok az ezredfordulón I. Kötet., Eötvös Kiadó, Budapest • Faragó, K. (szerk.) Szervezet és pszichológia – Szervezeti döntések http://ppk.elte.hu/2009/images/stories/_UPLOAD/DOKUMENTUMOK/Pszichologia_Phd/Szervezet-es-Pszichologia_2._ktet.pdf
courseContent hu
Main content and thematic units • An overview of the possible problems of organizations, individuals and groups in the present economic and social condition, the possible qualitative and quantitative tools of diagnosis. • Characteristics of cultural difference management in a multicultural environment. • Understanding techniques and methodologies related to individual development, practicing in case studies. • Possibilities of cooperation between teams, working groups, tools of establish safe group atmosphere and organizational atmosphere, and the practical aspects of the foundation of trust. • Possibilities of interpretation of organizations based on devices suitable for diagnosis. • Measuring organizational culture. Managing cultural changes. • The know-how of organizational learning and development and knowledge-sharing, its practical aspects. Creating the conditions for organizational learning. • Discussion of benefits and difficulties embedded in the directions of organizational research, aspects of choosing a direction. Planned learning activities and teaching methods • Lectures, student presentations and exercises, case studies and self-analysis questionnaires assisting in a deeper understanding of each topic. • Performers invited from the practical life.
courseContent en
Main content and thematic units • An overview of the possible problems of organizations, individuals and groups in the present economic and social condition, the possible qualitative and quantitative tools of diagnosis. • Characteristics of cultural difference management in a multicultural environment. • Understanding techniques and methodologies related to individual development, practicing in case studies. • Possibilities of cooperation between teams, working groups, tools of establish safe group atmosphere and organizational atmosphere, and the practical aspects of the foundation of trust. • Possibilities of interpretation of organizations based on devices suitable for diagnosis. • Measuring organizational culture. Managing cultural changes. • The know-how of organizational learning and development and knowledge-sharing, its practical aspects. Creating the conditions for organizational learning. • Discussion of benefits and difficulties embedded in the directions of organizational research, aspects of choosing a direction. Planned learning activities and teaching methods • Lectures, student presentations and exercises, case studies and self-analysis questionnaires assisting in a deeper understanding of each topic. • Performers invited from the practical life.
assessmentMethod hu
Requirements, methods and aspects of assessment: Requirements • Keeping a presentation, and active participation in the practice. Method of evaluation: • Term mark with detailed oral assessment. Aspects of evaluation: • Structure of presentation, logic of content, literary embeddedness.
assessmentMethod en
Requirements • Keeping a presentation, and active participation in the practice. Method of evaluation: • Term mark with detailed oral assessment. Aspects of evaluation: • Structure of presentation, logic of content, literary embeddedness.