Extended data for Minority and Majority Identity

Stored data
Minority and Majority Identity
ISCED code
0314 Sociology and cultural studies
Language of instruction


Academic term
Minority and Majority Identity hu
Minority and Majority Identity en
bibliography hu
Compulsory reading list Azmitia, M. (2015). Reflections on the Cultural Lenses of Identity Development. in McLean, K.C., Syed, M. (2015). (Eds.). The Oxford Handbook of Identity Development. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Branscombe, N.R., – Ellemers, N. – Spears, R. – Doosje, B.(1999). The context and content of social identity threat. In: Ellemers, N. – Spears, R. – Doosje, B.(eds.) Social identity. Context, commitment, content. Blackwell, Oxford, 35-58. Breakwell, G.M (1986). Coping with Threatened Identities. London and New York: Methuen Crocker, J., Garcia, J.A. (2006). Stigma and the social basis of the Self: A synthesis. in Sh. Levin, C. van Laar (eds.) Stigma and group inequality. Psychology Press.287-308. Phinney, J. S., - Ong, A. D. (2007b). Conceptualization and measurement of ethnic identity: Current status and future directions. In: Journal of Counseling Psychology, Vol 54(3), 271–281. Quintana, S. M. (2007). Racial and ethnic identity: Developmental perspectives and research. In: Journal of Counseling Psychology, 54, 259–270. Shields, S.A.(2008) Gender: an intersectionality perspective. Sex Roles, 59, 301-311. Worrell, F.C., (2015). Culture as Race/Ethnicity. in McLean, K.C., Syed, M. (2015) (Eds.). The Oxford Handbook of Identity Development. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
courseContent hu
Topics of the course Concept of identity interpreting at individual, group/intergroup and societal level.  The dimensions of power relations; majority- and minority identity, privileges and their consequences. Acculturalism and identity; bi- and multicultural identities, the complexity of identity. Identity threat; classical theories; stigma and ways of coping (Goffman, Breakwell). The dynamics of identity threat; new approaches (e.g. Ellemers). Developmental aspects: positive identity development models (e.g. Helms, Phinney). The complexity of identities, multiple (bi- and multicultural) identity, superordinate identity. Sections of identities/group memberships; intersectionality. Methods of strengthening minority identity (empowerment - for example: Photo Voice). Learning activities, learning methods Interactive presentation, training methods, experiential learning, workshop by guest expert who work on the field, film- and literature review
assessmentMethod hu
Learning requirements, mode of evaluation, criteria of evaluation: requirements -          Active participation during the class - maximum 6 hours absence -          Reading the assigned readings -          Writing a paper and/or photo / essay  about a chosen topic related to course syllabus with the working title  "identity”. mode of evaluation: Pratice mark. The writing assignment will be evaluated by grades and text feedback. criteria of evaluation: -          Constructive participation in the course -          Relevance of the topic in writing assignment, and meeting the criteria -          Self-reflexivity of the writing assignment -          Coherence and complexity of the writing assignment