Extended data for Sensitivity Training

Stored data
Sensitivity Training
ISCED code
0314 Sociology and cultural studies
Language of instruction


Academic term
Sensitivity Training hu
Sensitivity Training en
bibliography hu
Compulsory reading list ·         Cushner, K., Brislin, R. (1996). Intercultural interactions: A practical guide. Sage Publications. ·         Dovidio, J. F., Hewstone, M., Glick, P., & Esses, V. M. (Eds.). (2010). The SAGE Handbook of Prejudice, Stereotyping and Discrimination. SAGE. ·         McIntosh, P. (1990). White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack. Independent School, 49(2), 31-35. ·         Tatum, B. D.(1997). „Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?” and Other Conversation About Race. Basic Books.
courseContent hu
Topics of the course Introduction. Core concepts and the meanings of culture. Categorization, stereotyping, discrimination, prejudice. Ethnocentrism and intergroup relations, culture and stereotypes. Social identities, (majority and minority), system justification and the mechanism of social oppression.  The course also covers the issues of what can be done against prejudices by familiarizing students with possible strategies and tools to reduce prejudices in practice. Learning activities, learning methods Interactive presentation, training methods, experiential learning, workshop by guest expert who work on the field
assessmentMethod hu
Learning requirements, mode of evaluation, criteria of evaluation: requirements -          Active participation during the training - maximum half day absence (4 hours) -          Reading the assigned readings -          Writing a paper  about a chosen topic related to course syllabus with the title “Encounters”. The writing should be based on a real encounter with a person who belongs to a cultural/social group which is unfamiliar/aversive to the student in order to gain knowledge, insight and  create contact with that particular  group (and its member). mode of evaluation: Practice mark. The writing assignment will be evaluated by grades and text feedback. criteria of evaluation: -          Constructive participation in the course -          Relevance of the topic in writing assignment, and meeting the criteria -          Self-reflexivity of the writing assignment -          Coherence and complexity of the writing assignment