Extended data for Intercultural Training

Stored data
Intercultural Training
ISCED code
0314 Sociology and cultural studies
Language of instruction


Academic term
Intercultural Training hu
Intercultural Training en
bibliography hu
Compulsory reading list Bennett J.M. (2009) Cultivating intercultural competence: a process perspective. in Deardoff, D. (Ed.) The Sage handbook of intercultural competence. Sage Publications. Los Angeles, 121–140. Deardoff, D.K. (2009) (Ed.) The Sage Handbook of Intercultural competence. Sage Publications Gudykunst, W. B. (2005). Theorizing about intercultural communication. Sage Publications Ltd., Thousand Oaks, CA Hammer, M. R., Bennett, M. J., & Wiseman, R. (2003). Measuring intercultural sensitivity: The intercultural development inventory. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 27(4), 421-443. Landis, D.; Bennett, J. M.;  Bennett, M. J. (eds.) (2004): Handbook of intercultural training (3rd edition). Sage Publications. Matsumoto, D. (2010) The APA Handbook of intercultural communication. APA, Washington DC.
courseContent hu
Topics of the course The course gives an insight to theories of intercultural interactions and relations (e.g.: identity strategies, identity negotiation approach). It illustrates the close relationship between culture and human thinking, emotions and behavior and the nature of intercultural relations through own experiences, furthermore, it increases intercultural sensitivity, competence and efficiency of intercultural communication. Ethnocentrism. Raising awareness of diversity. Framing; description, interpretation, evaluation.Theories of intercultural interactions and relations (Ting-Toomey’s face-negotiation theory, Berry’s stress and coping model, Argyle’s culture-learning theory, Phinney’s approach of identity, Camilleri’s and Cohen-Emerique’s identity strategies, identity negotiation approach). Culture and  human thinking, emotions and behaviour, the characteristics of inter-cultural relations, through personal experiences.. Learning activities, learning methods Interactive lecture, training method, experiential learning, case analysis (e.g. film)
assessmentMethod hu
Learning requirements, mode of evaluation, criteria of evaluation: requirements -          Active participation during the training - maximum 4 hours absence -          Reading the assigned readings -          "Intercultural Trial (Heptathlon)": group exercise which consist of  creating group tasks and solving those tasks (participants devise seven experience-based simple group task that will be realized by other participants from the group) -          Writing a paper about the experiences of “Intercultural Trial (Heptathlon)" mode of evaluation: Pratice mark. The writing assignment will be evaluated by grades and text feedback. criteria of evaluation: -          Constructive participation in the course -          Relevance of the topic in writing assignment, and meeting the criteria -          Self-reflexivity of the writing assignment -          Coherence and complexity of the writing assignment