Extended data for Social Behaviour, Child Development, Child Rearing and Socialization

Stored data
Social Behaviour, Child Development, Child Rearing and Socialization
ISCED code
0314 Sociology and cultural studies
Language of instruction


Academic term
Social Behaviour, Child Development, Child Rearing and Socialization hu
Social Behaviour, Child Development, Child Rearing and Socialization en
bibliography hu
Compulsory reading list Berry, J.W., Breugelmans, S.M., Poortinga, Y.H., Chasiotis, A., Sam, D.L. (2011): Cross-cultural Psychology: Research and Applications. Cambridge University Press. Gardiner, H. W., Kosmitzki, C. (2011) Lives across cultural: cross-cultural human development. Fifth edition. Allyn&Bacon, Boston Kagitcibasi, C. (2007): Family, self and human development across cultures. Theory and application. 2nd edition. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. Rogoff, B. (2003): The cultural nature of human development. Oxford University Press. Smith, P., Fischer, R., Vignoles, V.I., Bond, M.H. (2013) Understanding Social Psychology Across Cultures: Engaging with Others in a Changing World. Second Edition. Sage Publications, London.
courseContent hu
Topics of the course Culture and cultural perspectives in psychology The characterization of cultures attempts in psychology: Cultural Dimensions The characterization of cultures made further experiments in psychology: social values and relationship models Social cognition, self-perception Helping behavior. Psychological well-being Group behavior Acculturation Development and socialization theories Moral development Cognitive evelopment Learning activities, teaching methods Interactive lecture, experiential learning, films, work in groups and dyads.
assessmentMethod hu
Learning requirements, mode of evaluation, criteria of evaluation: requirements ·active participation in the class ·following materials of the course, reading literature mode of evaluation: written tests and written assignments to be uploaded on the elearning platform of the course during the semester, (50%) (dates to be designated at the beginning of the course) oral or written exam (50%): based on lecture materials and readings criteria of evaluation: ·understanding the topics and connections between different topics, concepts discussed in the course, the capacity to place them in a broader background. capacity to apply the knowledge acquired in the course