Extended data for Intercultural and Cross-Cultural Pedagogy: Interactions Between Cultures and Education

Stored data
Intercultural and Cross-Cultural Pedagogy: Interactions Between Cultures and Education
ISCED code
0314 Sociology and cultural studies
Language of instruction


Academic term
Intercultural and Cross-Cultural Pedagogy: Interactions Between Cultures and Education  hu
Intercultural and Cross-Cultural Pedagogy: Interactions Between Cultures and Education  en
bibliography hu
Compulsory reading list Crossley, M. – Watson, K. (2003): Comparative and international research in education: globalisation, context and difference. London: RoutledgeFalmer. Mourshed, M. – Chijioke, C. – Barber, M. (2010): How the world’s most improved school systems keep getting better. London: McKinsey & Company. Sharpes, D.K. (2017). Handbook on comparative and international studies in education. Charlotte: Information Age Publishing Wursten, H. – Jacobs, C. (2013): The impact of culture on education: Can we introduce best practices in education across countires?  The Hofstede Centre, Itim International
courseContent hu
Topics of the course I. The foundations of intercultural education; the basic information on the theoretical and historical, and practical aspects of intercultural education II. Thoretical, historical and practical aspects of comparative education III. The mutual relationship and dependence of intercultural and comparative education IV. cultural contacts in education in and out of Europe; their advantages and disadvantages V. Cultural contacts in Hungarian education Learning activities, learning methods - lecturing - interactive communication between the students and the teacher - A/Q-sessions - debate - case studies
assessmentMethod hu
- 1-5 marks Learning requirements, mode of evaluation, criteria of evaluation: requirements: - presence - activity during the classes - cooperation with the others mode of evaluation: - written or oral or complex examination criteria of evaluation: presence, level of activity 60% examiníation 40%