Extended data for Human and Minority Rights - Discussion Seminar

Stored data
Human and Minority Rights - Discussion Seminar
ISCED code
0314 Sociology and cultural studies
Language of instruction


Academic term
Human and Minority Rights - Discussion Seminar hu
Human and Minority Rights - Discussion Seminar en
bibliography hu
Compulsory reading list ·         Johnson, L. – Morris, P. (2010): Towards a framework for critical citizenship education. in The Curriculum Journal, Vol.21.No.1., 77-96. ·         Veugelers, W. (2007): Creating critical-democratic citizenship education: empowering humanity and democracy in Dutch education. in Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education. Vol.37.No.1.,105-119. ·         The Association for Conflict Resolution: Recommended Standards for School-Based Peer Mediation. 2nd ed. 2007. http://www.acrnet.org Recommended reading list ·         Compass. Manual for Human Rights Education. Council of Europe: https://www.coe.int/t/dg4/eycb/Source/Compass_2012_FINAL.pdf ·         International Debate Education Association: http://idebate.org/
courseContent hu
Topics of the course ·         Introduction ·         The concept of active citizenship ·         The criteria of democratic debate ·         Methods of democratic debate facilitation ·         How to present a problem from different points of views ·         How to formulate an argument ·         Leading a discussion ·         Mediation ·         Practice Learning activities, learning methods -          interactive lectures -          presentation of and experiencing with good practices -          leading and participating at group discussions
assessmentMethod hu
Learning requirements, mode of evaluation, criteria of evaluation: requirements ·         active class participation ·         short essays ·         oral presentation of a chosen topic from multiple points of view ·         final essay mode of evaluation: complex (written and oral) criteria of evaluation: ·         adequate knowledge and application of the concept of active citizenship ·         application of the criteria of democratic debate ·         application of multiple perspectives when presenting a problem ·         ability to reflect at own debate facilitation skills