Extended data for Minority Educational Models and Education of Minorities

Stored data
Minority Educational Models and Education of Minorities
ISCED code
0314 Sociology and cultural studies
Language of instruction


Academic term
Minority Educational Models and Education of Minorities  hu
Minority Educational Models and Education of Minorities  en
bibliography hu
Compulsory reading list Aud, S. – Fox, A.M. (2010): Status and trends in the education of racial and ethnic groups. Washington D.C.: U.S. Department of Education. Essomba, M.A. (2014): Enhancing EU education policy: Building a framework to help young poeple of migrant background succeed. Sirius Network Policy Brief Series, 1. Pop, D. (Ed.) (2012): Education policy and equal education opportunities. Open Society Foundations, New York.
courseContent hu
Topics of the course: I. Definition and types of social minorities; historical and synchron aspects II. Education and social groups’ dominance in the societies III. Minority education models and programs in the USA, Canada, and Australia IV. Minority education models and programs in Asian societies V. Minority education models and programs in Europe VI. Minority education models and programs in Hungary, Roma education VII. Minority education models and programs in ethnic Hungarian communities VIII. Minority education models and programs in Higher education Learning activities, learning methods - lecturing - students’ interactivity - Q/A-s sessions - students’ presentations - case studies - visual and verbal materials
assessmentMethod hu
requirements: - presence - activitiy during the classes - preparing presentations etc. as these and other activities are announced and expected by the teacher mode of evaluation: oral, written and/or complex/combined examination criteria of evaluation: 60% collocvium 40% activity, preserntations etc.