Extended data for International Business Law

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bibliography hu
Reading materials suggested but not limited to: Mitsuo Matsushita - Thomas J . Schoenbaum - Petros C. Mavroidis - Michael Hahn: The World Trade Organization. Law, Practice, and Policy (3rd edition). Oxford UP. 2015. (ELTE Library) Selected parts -- (accessible at moodle) Michael J. Trebilcock – Joel Trachtman: Advanced Introduction To International Trade Law. Elgar Advanced Introductions. Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, MA, USA. 2020. 250.p. ELTE library - Selected parts -- (accessible at moodle) Pétervári, Kinga: WTO legal Note, 2020 Legal texts, cases (moodle) slides of the classes (moodle)
bibliography en
Reading materials suggested but not limited to: Mitsuo Matsushita - Thomas J . Schoenbaum - Petros C. Mavroidis - Michael Hahn: The World Trade Organization. Law, Practice, and Policy (3rd edition). Oxford UP. 2015. (ELTE Library) Selected parts -- (accessible at moodle) Michael J. Trebilcock – Joel Trachtman: Advanced Introduction To International Trade Law. Elgar Advanced Introductions. Cheltenham, UK • Northampton, MA, USA. 2020. 250.p. ELTE library - Selected parts -- (accessible at moodle) Notes: Pétervári, Kinga: WTO  2021. Legal texts, Agreements, cases (moodle) slides of the classes (moodle)
courseContent hu
1 09.12. 2022 Monday 08:15-09:45 Q303 INTRO: GATT – WTO  System of the Treaties – Structure and decision-making 2 09.26. 2022 Monday 08:15-09:45 Q303 History – Texts – Sources of law and principles ofInterpretations – debates (EU, Japan, USA) – WTO – GATT 3 10.03. 2022 Monday 08:15-09:45 Q303 Dispute settlement / Reforms and Appellate Body reforms  (USA in focus) – debates 4 10.10. 2022 Monday 08:15-09:45 Q303 Most favoured nation treatment (MFN) National treatment (NT) – debates 5 10.17. 2022 Monday 08:15-09:45 Q303 Agricultural trade – health / food safety – Environment – debates 6 11.14 2022 Monday 08:15-09:45 Q303 Preferential trade agreements – Brexit / No Deal problems / aftermaths, hindsight  – debates - Problems  of protectionism; 7 11.21. 2022 Monday 08:15-09:45 Q303 Anti-dumping laws  – debates 8 11.28. 2022 Monday 08:15-09:45 Q303 Subsidies and countervailing duties – debates 9 12.05. 2022 Monday 08:15-09:45 Q303 Problems of state ownership (China in focus) – State owned trading – debates 10 12.12. 2022 Monday 08:15-09:45 Q303 Trade in Services (GATS) (education – health care – telecommunication), state sovereignty / national budget problems – debates 11 VIDEO class Intellectual Property (TRIPs) - copyrights, patents, pharmaceutical/farming problems of developing countries 12 VIDEO class Trade policy, labour standards and human rights / Developing countries – Doha Round, Bali package –(India, Turkey and China in focus) Témák: Alapvető érvelések a WTO-val kapcsolatos jogi gondolkodásban A nemzetközi szerződések szerepe A WTO tagállamok konfliktusai, vitarendezések jogi természete (Panel, Appellate Body) Hogyan lehet rendezni a vitákat a nemzetközi kereskedelemben, a reform szükségessége A jog szerepe (a nemzetek szuverenitása) a nemzetközi kereskedelemben globalizáció kontra protekcionizmus, fejlett kontra fejlődő tagállamok kereskedelmi háborúk kontra tárgyalások, diplomácia, alternatív vitarendezés Újabb megállapodások a mezőgazdasági termékek kereskedelméről, az egészségbiztonsági szempontokról, a környezetvédelemről, Kedvezményes kereskedelmi megállapodások, a BREXIT és a WTO természete
courseContent en
Topics Basic reasoning in legal thinking The conflicts of actors in the law of international trade laws Preferential trade agreements, the nature of BREXIT and the WTO How to settle dusiputes in international trade, the need for reform Balance between agricultural trade and health safety concerns, environmental protection globalization v. protectionism, problems of state ownership in trade, etc. trade wars v negotiations, diplomacies, alternative dispute settlements 1 09.12. 2022 Monday 08:15-09:45 Q303 INTRO: GATT – WTO  System of the Treaties – Structure and decision-making 2 09.26. 2022 Monday 08:15-09:45 Q303 History – Texts – Sources of law and principles ofInterpretations – debates (EU, Japan, USA) – WTO – GATT 3 10.03. 2022 Monday 08:15-09:45 Q303 Dispute settlement / Reforms and Appellate Body reforms  (USA in focus) – debates 4 10.10. 2022 Monday 08:15-09:45 Q303 Most favoured nation treatment (MFN) National treatment (NT) – debates 5 10.17. 2022 Monday 08:15-09:45 Q303 Agricultural trade – health / food safety – Environment – debates 6 11.14 2022 Monday 08:15-09:45 Q303 Preferential trade agreements – Brexit / No Deal problems / aftermaths, hindsight  – debates - Problems  of protectionism; 7 11.21. 2022 Monday 08:15-09:45 Q303 Anti-dumping laws  – debates 8 11.28. 2022 Monday 08:15-09:45 Q303 Subsidies and countervailing duties – debates 9 12.05. 2022 Monday 08:15-09:45 Q303 Problems of state ownership (China in focus) – State owned trading – debates 10 12.12. 2022 Monday 08:15-09:45 Q303 Trade in Services (GATS) (education – health care – telecommunication), state sovereignty / national budget problems – debates 11 VIDEO class Intellectual Property (TRIPs) - copyrights, patents, pharmaceutical/farming problems of developing countries 12 VIDEO class Trade policy, labour standards and human rights / Developing countries – Doha Round, Bali package –(India, Turkey and China in focus)
assessmentMethod hu
ELTE GTK: The general examination and assessment requirements of the courses offered by the Faculty of Economics are available at: https://gtk.elte.hu/en/erasmus/general
assessmentMethod en
The general examination and assessment requirements of the courses offered by the Faculty of Economics are available at: https://gtk.elte.hu/en/erasmus/general Grades For “offered grades”  60-69 satisfactory (3), 70-84 good (4), 85-100 excellent (5). For examination: 50-54 sufficient (2), 55-69 satisfactory (3), 70-84 good (4), 85-100 excellent (5). Points received during the term are not added to the exam points.